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Details  (ID=334)
Date: Monday, 2 August 2010
Name:  Mr Danny Ray
Date: 12-dec-2007
Main Condition
Main Condition:  Transverse Myelitis
My Brief Story
Brief Story:  In August 2007 I was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease called Transverse Myelitis. My symptoms began in February with a small numb spot on my right heel. The numbness grew over a 3-4 week period and covered both feet and legs to the mid shin area. Along with the numbness came severe burning in my heels and extreme nerve sensitivity. I lived with these symptoms for several weeks before deciding to go to the doctor. My primary physician ordered an MRI and set up an appointment with a neurologist. My neurologist found the MRI results inconclusive, so more tests were ordered: two more full-spine MRI’s, multiple orders for blood work and a lumbar puncture.
In the meantime my doctor put me on Gabapentin, Tramadol and Vioxx. These drugs seemed to be heaven sent due to the reduction in pain. I quickly found myself able to do many things that I had not been unable to do for several months. Life was getting better. The drugs did have some bad side effects though. I soon became a different person: dull, tired, slow, and cloudy. My wife would tell me later that I had become a completely different person.
When the diagnosis was given in August my neurologist suggested a solumedrol IV injection immediately. We consented and I set an appointment for the nurse to come to the house to begin. Little did I know the horror that would ensue. Following the injections I had miraculous results. I played golf for the first time in 4 months; I went to the gym and ran all due to this wonderful drug. I then experienced a wave of side effects that I could never have prepared for. I developed unprovoked anger, emotional break-downs, intense frustration which led to isolation. All of the ebbs and flows of the medication convinced me to simply stay home. It was easier than dealing with people.
It was during these injections that my friend Bert came to the house to sit with me while ‘hooked up’. He gave me several books to read, one of which was called “What Time Tuesday”. I read the book and thought about it a little. He continually urged me to call Upper Cervical Health Centers of America www.uchca.com to schedule an appointment. I said I would eventually, but never did. Finally, he made me promise to go see these people so I did.
On October 31, 2007 I went for my consultation. Three days later I had my first adjustment. I did not understand what was going on or what these people were doing to me. As a matter of fact, I honestly thought I was being scammed and could not believe that my health had gotten so bad that I was going to see a chiropractor!! What has my life come to??!!
When Dr. DeGeorge adjusted me I felt nothing, which heightened my skepticism. Because I felt nothing it made me wonder about my drugs. They were doing their job of blocking my body from telling my brain that I was in pain. Very soon I decided to take myself off my medications a little at a time to determine if I was seeing any improvement.
WOW!! I quickly realized that as I reduced my medication and did not notice pain. Eventually I eliminated the need for medication and realized a reduction in pain of approximately 95%. I am so thankful for the job Upper Cervical doctors do and will forever be indebted to their dedication and ability to help my body heal itself.
I often find myself thinking on how to spread the word of Upper Cervical more effectively. Yes, I talk to people every day and praise the benefits that I have experienced through my care program, but this seems to happen on a very small level. I like to envision reaching millions (that’s right, I said millions) of people and turning them on to the power of Upper Cervical Health Care! I see this happening through understanding three key elements to this health care and their symbiotic relationship.
First, and most importantly, is the patient. The world is full of people that need and are seeking medical treatment for many different diseases and conditions. The second key element of health care is the doctor. Sick people need doctors trained to meet their needs and treat their ailment(s). In traditional medical care the patient goes to a primary care physician and receives a referral to a specialist so care can begin. Does this exist in the Upper Cervical community? Regretfully, the answer is no.
When I was battling Transverse Myelitis I was not introduced to Upper Cervical by any of my doctors, nor did I read about it on-line or in magazines. So how did I find my way into an Upper Cervical office? I found out through a friend that knew a guy who knew a guy…WORD OF MOUTH. More importantly, word of mouth from an upper cervical advocate!! This brings me to the third entity of the health care system: the advocate. Many marketing specialists will tell you the most important marketing will occur via word of mouth. I will make the claim that as it relates to Upper Cervical, word of mouth is the single most important method of new patient acquisition and many times this marketing method is the only avenue used by doctors.
The International Upper Cervical Patients Advocates Association (IUCPAA) is the organization that I have joined to help me learn how to spread the word of Upper Cervical Health Care. It is the organization that I believe and know has one mission in mind: get sick people to upper cervical doctors. I challenge all doctors to contact the IUCPAA to learn how partnering with the IUCPAA will help reach those that are sick and in pain.

Chiropractor's Details
Name:  Chris DeGeorge
Practice:  Upper Cervical Health Centres
Has own X-Ray equipment.
Street Address:  2550 W. Arrowood Rd.
Suburb/City:  Charlotte
State/Province:  NC
Postcode/Zip:  28273
Telephone:  704-588-5560
Fax:  704-588-4919
Web Site:  www.uppercervicalcare.com
Chiropractic Technique:  Knee Chest Upper Cervical
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