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Details  (ID=298)
Date: Monday, 30 June 2008
Name:  Mrs Jo Elliot
Date: 29-jun-2008
Main Condition
Main Condition:  Hearing Disorders - dizzy spells, low blood pressure
My Brief Story
Brief Story:  My health history started in 1983 when I started losing my hearing. I went to my MD and he sent me to have a CT scan where they injected dye in my arm. I immediately started getting sick. My body felt like it was burning from the inside out. From that day forth, I have had dizzy spells, chronic infections and I have never been the same physically. My immune system was wiped out and and my blood pressure was very low. Several years ago I fractured my knee cap and also strained by right thumb. A year ago, I have changed my eating habits to where I don't eat any foods with preservatives as much as possible and that has helped with the dizzy spells. I would have dizzy spells (at least 20 a month) all the time and then started to pass out while laying in bed. After years of seeing doctors, the Lord opened up the door to see an Upper cervical doctor who was recommended by some dear friends. I have been seeing him for 4 months have seen such an improvement to where I have felt better than I have in over 25 years. The dizzies spells are down to about once a month now and even they are not as bad. I have more energy and my leg and thumb are also doing so much better - almost no pain, and I have not had a major infection since. I thank the Lord for HIS leading me to by Upper Cervical Doctor - Dr. Wagner.
Chiropractor's Details
Name:  Dr. Michael Wagner
Has own X-Ray equipment.
Street Address:  3501 NW Lowell Street #202
Suburb/City:  Silverdale
State/Province:  WA
Postcode/Zip:  98383
Telephone:  360-692-3800
Fax:  360-692-3700
Email:  atlasdoc2@gmail.com
Web Site:  www.UpperCervicalCare.com
Chiropractic Technique:  Laney Technique
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