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Details  (ID=303)
Date: Sunday, 16 November 2008
Name:  Mrs Angel Proctor
Date: 17-nov-2008
Main Condition
Main Condition:  Hearing Disorder: Pulsatile tinnitus, rapid heart rate, dizzy spells, constipation etc..
My Brief Story
Brief Story:  In March of this year I was sitting in church and all of a sudden I felt as though I was going to pass out. My hands got sweaty and I felt cold and got very dizzy. I didn’t understand why but soon began to vomit uncontrollably and had to leave. I thought I had food poisoning. Looking back I can see when my troubles began which was when I was around 9 yrs old I was in a wreck and all I can remember is that I had to wear a neck brace for a while but that was it. Growing up I had colds a lot and my ears were stuffy. I just seemed to get sick easily but I thought it was just allergies. I also had a very nervous stomach and would vomit easily. When I was 18 my teeth began to decay and I was tired a lot. I also had terrible PMS problems. I would hurt so bad I would put hot towels on my back, not to mention the mood swings were intolerable.
I just accepted all these things as a normal part of life although I found it odd that even though I wasn’t overweight I couldn’t play ball or anything without getting tired and feeling out of breath.
When I had my first son I couldn’t have him naturally and they couldn’t explain why so they did a c section. I also stayed constipated and felt bloated most of the time. I thought maybe I just needed to eat better foods. Then in September of 2007 I was 13 weeks pregnant and had a miscarriage and they had to go in and do a D&C. They had to put my neck back and put a tube down my throat..well when I woke up I could barely move my neck and it hurt really bad. Over the next few months I had pounding headaches and was very tired but I thought it was just part of the process. In March of 2008 I got a terrible head cold from this woman at work and then all the terrible symptoms started…I was so dizzy I couldn’t continue to work, I would vomit and my heart rate wouldn’t go under 100. It was high even when I was laying in bed. I couldn’t understand because I wasn’t overweight, I didn’t drink or smoke but somehow my body and life was falling apart. I had to leave my job at the Federal building and became completely dependant on my husband. I was at the ER all the time but they gave me muscle relaxants, told me I was stressed and sent me home. I was referred to a neurologist and had multiple MRI’s, CT, Echo of my heart etc… but everything came back normal although I knew it wasn’t normal. I felt like my life was over.
I was then told I had pulsatile tinnitus and was sent to an ENT..he told me I would have to live with it and I knew I couldn’t possibly have to live with all these symptoms, after all I am only 32. I also had shock pain in my back, the symptoms are so many but the point is life was over as I once knew it. I came home from my ENT appt and typed in pulsatile tinnitus and found the www.upcspine.com website and once I read it I knew I was being led by God to what would help me. I made an appt in Tulsa and once he did specific x-rays he confirmed a misalignment and said he would need to see me once a week. At this point I didn’t care if he needed to see me every day because I felt so helpless. He asked me how I could breathe because my lungs were being squished. These are the symptoms I had…..pulsatile tinnitus, rapid heart rate, dizzy spells, constipation, kidney infections, lung problems, electric shocks in my back, Insomnia, constant sweating, reflux disease, pleurisy, tingling in my arm and I’m sure the list could go on but I have been seeing my doctor for five months and can gladly say I am not suffering anymore. I went to him not knowing what could happen and I can gladly say I am getting my life back. I sleep like a rock, my heart rate is perfect…all of these symptoms are either gone or have improved dramatically. I am sure I will have a 100% recovery before long. The retracing and healing has not been fun but well worth it. If anyone would like to know more or just talk you can email aproctor@hsg.com. My life has been changed in more ways than one and I cannot Thank God or my UC doc enough. I appreciate everyone who has been such a support to me throughout this time.
Chiropractor's Details
Name:  Dr Tom Elliott
Practice:  Elliott Center of Chiropractic
Has own X-Ray equipment.
Street Address:  7110 S. Mingo Rd. Ste 107
Suburb/City:  Tulsa
State/Province:  OK
Postcode/Zip:  74133
Telephone:  918-252-9915
Email:  sonarchiropractic@yahoo.com
Web Site:  www.sonarchiropractic.com
Chiropractic Technique:  Sonar
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