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Details  (ID=99)
Date: Monday, 15 September 2003
Name:  Andrea Schafer
Main Condition
Main Condition:  Fibromyalgia
My Brief Story
Brief Story:  In 1996, I began attending the University of New Mexico on athletic and academic scholarships. I was a competitive swimmer and had workouts twice a day every day (except Sunday). On the first official day of practice, I decided to check my mail on my way to the aquatic center and ended up being late for practice. Instead of going around the building and up the stairs into the center, I decided to jump over an eight-foot fence. I landed on the other side just fine, but then my right kneecap broke. I slammed the right side of my head and my shoulder into the hard ground. The next day, I was taken to the hospital for knee surgery.

A few weeks later, I attended swim practice and noticed some unusual pain and numbness in my left arm and back. My left arm would go numb, turn blue and become extremely painful. My coach told me to keep swimming! All of the athletes had athletic trainer, so I decided to visit mine and see if he could figure out what was going on. He could not. So I went to the health center. They could not understand it either. The doctor wrote me a prescription for pain medicine and muscle relaxers and told me to take it easy.

After spending several more weeks in this condition, my mother brought me back to Tulsa, Oklahoma to see a neurology specialist and have more MRI’s and tests done. All of the tests came back negative. Not one doctor could figure out my problem. So they prescribed me more pain medicine and muscle relaxers. By now, I was going to classes, occasionally swimming, and spending the rest of my time in bed, doped up on pain killers and muscle relaxers. I thought I was going to end up graduating college…to go to bed!

I moved back to Tulsa in 1998 because I could not swim (I had to give back my athletic scholarship). I was attending classes and going to bed. I am not even sure what my papers were like back then, because of all the medication I was on (including anti-depressants). I was finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 1999 (three years and two states later). Disability at 21 years old was looking like a possibility.

In November of 2000, I received a call from my grandmother. She had seen a commercial on television for Brooks Spinal Care and the relief they had provided for other Fibromyalgia suffers. I attended a free informational seminar where I was given information that seemed too good to be true. I sat in the audience crying the whole time (because of the pain and the promise of being better). Deciding that I had nothing to loose, except some money, I made an appointment.

The first time I went to Dr. Brooks’ office, I was impressed at their kindness and willingness to make me comfortable. X-rays were taken and I was told to return later that day for an assessment of the results. That evening, Dr. Scott worked on my spine. He only pressed on my neck, behind my right ear. I did not think that anything was even occurring. But I did receive some immediate relief. The real relief came about 2 days later. I felt more relaxed, and was not in near as much pain.

For a while, I would fall out of correction every week. But now my spine is stabilizing and I have held for 4 months. Dr. Brooks has taught me how to recognize when my spine is out and what I can do for it when it is not out but is hurting. Every issue in life plays a part in holding the correction of my spine. I am learning to deal with each issue as it comes.

I graduated college with a Bachelor’s in Special Education in December of 2000. Since then, I have started my own wedding and party planning business, and gone back to school to complete a Master’s in Educational Psychology with emphasis on Gifted and Talented. I have moved to Salina, Kansas and am participating in Yoga twice a week. I can do all that I want with little pain or repercussions. Life is looking up!
Andrea Schafer
Chiropractor's Details
Name:  Dr. Robert Brooks
Practice:  Brooks Spinal Care
Has own X-Ray equipment.
Street Address:  1722 South Carson, #3100
Suburb/City:  Tulsa
State/Province:  Oklahoma
Postcode/Zip:  74119
Telephone:  918-587-7111
Fax:  918-587-1177
Email:  frontdesk@brooksspinalcare.com
Web Site:  www.brooksspinalcare.com
Chiropractic Technique:  NUCCA
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