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Greg Buchanan Recognised
for Contributions to Chiropractic

The Blair Chiropractic Society selects to honor individuals who attempt
to improve the health and wellness of mankind. Often these people serve
mankind by paving new pathways and advancing the science, art and philosophy
of chiropractic. Greg Buchanan has awakened a large segment of society
to the concept that injuries to the uppermost vertebra in the neck can
dramatically damage people physically and emotionally. The Blair society
recognizes that all individuals are formed differently and therefore precise
spinal adjustments to the upper neck must coincide with the individual's
anatomy in order to produce lasting changes in a person's health.
Greg is extremely knowledgeable in regards
to anatomy, neurology, orthopaedics, pathology, and research. His website
is packed with important research on the upper neck and ways to regain
your health, description of the various upper cervical techniques and
a great database of practitioners Worldwide.
As a result of his many contributions to Upper Cervical Chiropractic since
his injury in 1997, a special award was presented at the October 2004
Blair Chiropractic Society Convention to Mr.
Greg Buchanan for his "Outstanding Contributions to Chiropractic
by the Blair Chiropractic Society."
Gregs presentation to Blair Chiropractors at the conference was
of a highly professional standard and as a result he was given a standing
ovation. The awards ceremony at the end of the conference was an emotional
affair for all involved as tears flowed freely when Greg was given this
well deserved award. Greg explained afterwards that he was so choked up
because he did not expect to receive such recognition. He does what he
does because he knows that the upper cervical chiropractic approach is "the single most important and powerful health
approach in history". He says that his reward for his work
comes when he sees people who are ill get well again. He is especially
gratified when sick children who have been so for years become well again.
He is very disappointed that allopathic medicine in the main does not
choose to work with chiropractors. He wishes to thank the upper cervical
chiropractic World for saving his life and feels indebted to it forever.
Tom Forest, D.C.
Certified Blair Instructor
Committee Chairman for Technique and Instruction
Blair Chiropractic Society